[katello-devel] Improving Aeolus + Katello integration

Chris Alfonso calfonso at redhat.com
Wed Jul 25 18:59:07 UTC 2012

On 25/07/12 21:42 +0300, Ohad Levy wrote:
-- snip --
>I'm still not clear of why not telling foreman to create an instance
>and pull that as an image. you would get 90% of the job done for free
>and you would only need to take care for cleaning up the instance
>from host specific stuff.

Just want to clarify what you're suggesting.  We have an application and set
of dependencies specifically built for image creation, launching, and
management (the aeolus suite).  The images are built, launched in multiple
cloud providers via deltacloud api.  The images are also configured via
audrey and config server.  Users are either managed in conductor, or
authenticated via externa ldap and a VM quota is allocated to a user.

I may have read into your comment too far, but are you suggesting we just do
all that with foreman?  Are you suggesting we throw out the features that
are currently in aeolus and just go with what foreman can do?  Are you saying
we should develop those features into foreman?  Or are you saying something
entirely different that I missed?

-- Chris
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