[katello-devel] Improving Aeolus + Katello integration

Chris Alfonso calfonso at redhat.com
Wed Jul 25 20:39:27 UTC 2012

On 25/07/12 22:29 +0300, Ohad Levy wrote:
>On 07/25/2012 09:59 PM, Chris Alfonso wrote:
>>Just want to clarify what you're suggesting.  We have an application and
>>of dependencies specifically built for image creation, launching, and
>>management (the aeolus suite).  The images are built, launched in multiple
>>cloud providers via deltacloud api.  The images are also configured via
>>audrey and config server.  Users are either managed in conductor, or
>>authenticated via externa ldap and a VM quota is allocated to a user.
>>I may have read into your comment too far, but are you suggesting we
>>just do
>>all that with foreman?  Are you suggesting we throw out the features that
>>are currently in aeolus and just go with what foreman can do?  Are you
>>we should develop those features into foreman?  Or are you saying something
>>entirely different that I missed?
>I was talking about Image creations (the part that you need to pass 
>TDL in order to build a new image based on oz).
>I did not at any point in time said we need to throw out aeolus, nor 
>did i try to imply it between the lines.

Thanks for the clarification Ohad, I wanted to be sure I was wrong.  When you
said create the instance, I thought you meant the instantiation of images
that were already built, much like conductor does.
-- Chris
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