[katello-devel] disconnected katello sync

Vinny Valdez vvaldez at redhat.com
Fri Jul 27 00:07:22 UTC 2012

beav was kind enough to get the hard work done on creating pulp repos from a manifest with katello-disconnected-configure https://github.com/beav/katello-disconnected-scripts

I tested this out on a few different systems, added some options to restrict what arch/channels, and added katello-disconnected-sync to do the syncing and exporting. Time on a sync of a full os + two additional channels (~9000 packages) was roughly 20 minutes, instead of a few hours. This will be very helpful to people implementing this and not having to sync to the CDN every time (or for fully disconnected environments). Moving back to the CDN after an import is just as fast, seems to be verifying against the CDN.

Example use:

# python katello-disconnected-configure -m manifest.zip -s scripts -o /var/katello-content/ -r 6.2,6Server -a x86_64 -c cf-tools,supplentary

# python katello-disconnected-sync --sync -r scripts/repos.list --export-dir=/var/katello-content/


Vinny Valdez, RHCA, RHCSS, RHCVA (110-119-187)
Principal Architect
Global Solutions & Strategy Office

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