[katello-devel] Updating tire gem. Impact to devs....

Brad Buckingham bbuckingham at redhat.com
Thu Mar 1 03:44:13 UTC 2012

On 02/29/2012 10:07 AM, Brad Buckingham wrote:
> Hey Folks,
> We have a couple of bugs related to search and supporting things like 
> queries containing '-'.  In order to address some of those issues, the 
> plan is to update Katello to use elasticsearch 'text' queries.  A 
> first step in supporting this is to upgrade the 'tire' gem, which 
> contains the needed support.  (Thanks to Karel Minarik for committing 
> changes to tire).
> I have just pushed changes to the katello and gems repo to support 
> moving to tire 0.3.13.pre.  Along with this update comes a dependency 
> on the 'hashr' gem; therefore, that has also been added.
> I just initiated a 'testing' build.  Once that is completed, the tire 
> and hashr gems should be in the repo.  In the meantime, if you pull 
> and notice an error, it is because I needed to also update Gemfile to 
> ensure we use the new gem version.  This error should go away once the 
> build is completed.
> Once build is completed, 'bundle install' to get the updated gems.
> thanks,
> Brad
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The build containing the above hasn't completed, yet.  The issue is 
currently under investigation.

In the meantime, I have temporarily removed the Gemfile updates for tire 
and hashr.  I will add them back in, once the build issue is resolved.


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