[katello-devel] [katello-internal] Please Read: Bugzilla Best Practices

Jason Rist jrist at redhat.com
Thu Mar 1 22:04:40 UTC 2012

On 03/01/2012 02:57 PM, Bryan Kearney wrote:
> On 03/01/2012 04:55 PM, Jason Rist wrote:
>> Hey Everyone -
>>     Sorry to be the nag, but I have a few nits to pick.
>> When creating bugs, can you please in the bug summary state the
>> following:
>> 1.) "This is for the UI"  || "This is for the CLI" - it's somewhat
>> unclear when reading the bugs, and if you state that it makes it so much
>> easier to parse the problem.
>> (Side note on that, I could have sworn that we selected components when
>> reporting, where is that on the bz itself?)
>> 2.) Can you please specify the browser you're using if it is for the UI?
>>   We should at the very least support 3.6, so if you're having problems
>> with something, please state whether you tried it in 3.6.  (Usually if
>> it works in 3.6, it works elsewehre. Not always, though.)
>> 3.) If you have a stack trace or javascript console errors, please
>> attach them as txt, please do not paste them into the bug.
>> (Yes, I know I'm guilty of this, but have changed my ways!)
>> Thank you so much!
>> -Jason
> Also, adding the tar ball from /usr/share/katello/script/katello-debug
> would be helpful.
> -- bk

Jason E. Rist
Senior Software Engineer
Systems Management and Cloud Enablement
Red Hat, Inc.
Freenode: jrist

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