[katello-devel] CLI/API support for releasever for system now in Katello master

Ivan Nečas inecas at redhat.com
Tue Mar 27 15:55:19 UTC 2012


I've just pushed changes that enable setting release for the system, so 
that you get the specified value instead of $releasever in repourl.

You can use newest susbcription manager (tested with 
subscription-manager-0.99.10-1 and python-rhms-0.99.6-1, 

     # at registration time
     subscription-manager register --username admin --password admin 
--release 6.1

     # later
     subscription-manager release --set 6.1

You can also use katello-cli

     # at registration time
     katello system register --name system --release 6.1

     # later
     katello system update --name system --release 6.1

You can list available releases (based on repositories promoted to the 
environment). This has a form of a hint only and it's not:

     # for particular system
     katello system releases --name system

    # for particular environment
     katello system releases --environment Environment

Listing of available releases from susbcription-manager is not supported 
yet, see my previous mail (Releases listing from susbcription-manager 
against Katello & friends) for details.

The release is saved on the Candlepin side. If changed throught 
katello-cli, `subscription-manager refresh` or `rhsmcertd` must notice 
the change. If no specific value is set, the system value (taken from 
yum) is used to replace $releasever.

You can expect this features with versions:


-- Ivan

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