[katello-devel] Pulp warning: Unsupported characters for Yum

Lukas Zapletal lzap at redhat.com
Wed Oct 3 07:49:50 UTC 2012

On Tue, Oct 02, 2012 at 06:14:24PM -0400, Og Maciel wrote:
> > We may need to look into doing as pulp states above where we delete
> > old
> > repos and recreate with the new label.  This will cause some pain
> > because they will need to get re-synced and re-promoted ... a fairly
> > annoying problem that I'm looking into currently.
> Shouldn't we then provide some kind of "migration" script to help out those who may be out of luck? It would be a "nice thing to do" imho.
> -- 

The issue is I saw this warning message in this scenario:

1) Install CFSE10
2) Fetch some data from fake CDN, subscribe few repos
   (and those are just simple names like "Zoo Enterprise i386 6.1")
3) Upgrade to CFSE11
4) During the migration you see this warning message
   (actually it is hidden by katello-upgrade but I saw it)
5) Unfortunately I did not get to the state I could test the consumers
   if yum still work.

I wonder why Pulp warns in this case, it looks our labels are okay,
because org is ACME and env was set to "env" or "prod" or something like

QA: Can you investigate more on upgrade scenarios? I have fixed a bug
(part of the latest puddle) when we were NOT running pulp-migrate at
all, therefore upgrade was not working at all. Now it should be finally


 Lukas "lzap" Zapletal
 #katello #systemengine

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