[katello-devel] Headpin packaging issue

Jordan OMara jomara at redhat.com
Wed Oct 3 18:11:21 UTC 2012

On 03/10/12 11:18 -0400, Tazim Kolhar wrote:
>Hi all,
>     I have been following the doc : https://fedorahosted.org/katello/wiki/Install
>     for headpin (sam1.2 official) installation and configuration.
>     The repo location used : http://fedorapeople.org/groups/katello/releases/yum/nightly/RHEL/6Server/x86_64/
>     today, on #systemengine it was found that there are some packaging issue.
>     Please, provide updates when the issue is fixed.

There is an issue with headpin-cli sticking around and not being
correctly obsoleted by katello-cli. I will get this addressed tomorrow
Jordan O'Mara <jomara at redhat.com>
Red Hat Engineering, Raleigh 
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