[katello-devel] New "Synchronization" item in Administer menu

Mike McCune mmccune at redhat.com
Wed Oct 10 16:53:51 UTC 2012

On 10/10/2012 08:04 AM, Jason Rist wrote:
> On 10/10/2012 08:30 AM, Tom McKay wrote:
>> I understand the logic of adding this item to the Administer menu: The Synchronization status page spans orgs. However, it seems very out of place there and I am strongly voting against it.
>> My suggestion:
>> Make the Dashboard have user scope instead of org scope. By this I mean that the portlets do not have to be tied to a specific org necessarily, though some will of course. Perhaps each portlet could get a decorated header that includes the org name. This would also let an admin of more than one org plop down multiple "System Subscription Status" portlets, one for each org they are monitoring.
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> Perhaps I misunderstand, does the current Sync Status page link not
> suffice? Or is that new Synchronization page some combined page?
> Perhaps the Administer menu needs to be rethought a little bit?

the current sync status page here:


will only show you syncs based on the current org you are logged into.

the new site wide sync status:


shows you *all* syncs across all orgs.


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