[katello-devel] We have 28 failing cli tests

Lukas Zapletal lzap at redhat.com
Fri Oct 12 12:34:36 UTC 2012

On Fri, Oct 12, 2012 at 12:21:34PM +0200, Martin Bacovsky wrote:
> Yesterday I experienced strange behavior of cli tests. Repetitive
> running the same tests on same instance resulted in 18, 16, 5, and
> 17 failing tests respectively. Most of the issues was traced to yum
> complaining to sync some repos. Today it worked well on fresh
> instance. May that be related?

Cli tests sometimes fail because Pulp reports "repo already exists", its
like fith test or something. Than many of them fails, we have been
tracking this several times.

But this is not the case. I just built nightly from master, installed
clean instance and tests are still failing. Most of them are related to
Candlepin and GPG:

undefined method `gpgUrl' for nil:NilClass


uninitialized constant Candlepin

Mirek reported this too - we need to get these fixed.



 Lukas "lzap" Zapletal
 #katello #systemengine

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