[katello-devel] Custom Info!

Adam Price adprice at redhat.com
Fri Oct 12 17:57:53 UTC 2012

hello folks,

I just submitted a pull-request [1] for fixes to the Custom Info code which include:
    1. enforcing unique keynames (makes things a lot easier/simpler)
    2. allowing null values

and i finished up the default custom info keys for systems by orgs with the ability to:
    1. add custom keys to an org
    2. remove custom keys to an org
    3. apply keys to currently existing systems
    4. automatically add default custom keys to newly created systems

with tests for all.

you'll need to run 'rake  db:migrate'.

Please review the pull-request and make some comments! Thanks.

[1] https://github.com/Katello/katello/pull/847

Adam Price
adprice at redhat dot com

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