[katello-devel] Katello 1.1 released

Lukas Zapletal lzap at redhat.com
Mon Oct 15 14:08:51 UTC 2012


We are happy to announce the release 1.1 of Katello, a systems management solution.


The download locations are
  * http://fedorapeople.org/groups/katello/releases/yum/1.1/RHEL/$releasever/x86_64
  * http://fedorapeople.org/groups/katello/releases/yum/1.1/Fedora/$releasever/x86_64

with client repositories under:

  * http://fedorapeople.org/groups/katello/releases/yum/1.1-client/RHEL/$releasever/x86_64
  * http://fedorapeople.org/groups/katello/releases/yum/1.1-client/Fedora/$releasever/x86_64

For fresh installations, please use steps from

  * https://fedorahosted.org/katello/wiki/Install

== Features & Enhancements in Katello 1.1 ==

 * Initial Foreman packaging integration
 * Object labels and auto "labelization"
 * Added --default_locale to CLI for user creation
 * Added permissions for content delete
 * Adding a new changeset model for Content Deletion
 * Allow user to update his/her own localevia cli.
 * Available subscriptions on systems page now allow filtering
 * New documentation of API
 * Content deletion improvements
 * Systems custom info new feature
 * Fixed an issue when it was impossible to remove a repos without promoted
 * No longer possible to delete a repository if it's been promoted
 * Make string more translator friendly
 * Prawn integration for PDF generation
 * Corrected i18n strings
 * Validation of locale during update handled by model

Notable bug fixes:

 * 746765 - Systems can be referenced by UUID
 * 825858 - Implementing proxy permissions
 * 825858 - Use organizations.label instead of cp_key
 * 845995 - Add local and server side checks 
 * 846321 - Support creating permissions for all tags from the API and the CLI
 * 853056 - Improve 404 generic error message
 * 857576 - Package filter name can be edited by CLI
 * 860421 - Not verifying ldap roles for auth-less API calls

== Contributors ==

 * Adam Price
 * Brad Buckingham
 * Bryan Kearney
 * David Davis
 * Dmitri Dolguikh
 * Eric D Helms
 * Eric Sammons
 * Ivan Necas
 * Jan Blažek
 * Jakub Hadvig
 * Jason E. Rist
 * Jordan OMara
 * Justin Sherrill
 * Lukas Zapletal
 * Martin Bačovský
 * Mike McCune
 * Miroslav Suchý
 * Og B. Maciel
 * Partha Aji
 * Pavel Pokorny
 * Petr Chalupa
 * Tomas Strachota
 * Tom McKay

Our thanks go to the community members who contributed to this release: 

 * Gerhard Stoeckel
 * Chris Alfonso


== Some statistics ==

In Katello 1.1, we've seen

    * 141 bugs fixed 
    * 1444 changesets committed 
    * 1500 commits done

== Known Issues ==

=== No Fedora 17 build ===

We are currently working on Fedora 17 port (Ruby 1.9) and we have decided to
release Katello 1.1 without support for Fedora 17. As Fedora 16 will be end of
life soon, it is recommended to install Katello 1.1 on RHEL6.

=== Undefined method when adding product to activation key ===

activation_key update --add_subscription= ...
undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass

No resolution yet.

== Reporting errors ==

To report issues with Katello, please use mailing list
to reach the user community. We might ask you to file bugzilla at
with more details or full logs. 

Thank you for using Katello.


 Lukas "lzap" Zapletal
 #katello #systemengine

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