[katello-devel] Ozzak unit test runner

Lukas Zapletal lzap at redhat.com
Tue Oct 16 16:09:03 UTC 2012


you may already noticed for each git pull request new "member" of our
family runs the test for us putting results in a gist.

This is a small&dirty script I created in couple of hours this weekend,
it runs on our "ozzak" server in Brno (search the internal list for the
hostname), the VM is called utest and it's running under username utest
from a crontab. I did not want to comment pulls using my account,
because I want to be notified too.

Basically what it does it every 10 minutes it checks all Katello pull
requests and for each new one it executes the tests:

- clean database
- bundle install
- migrate
- unit tests
- unmigrate

If a pull request was already tested, it skips it. I'd like to add
making RPM scratch builds in koji too, this is also easy. Once a pull
request is tested, ozzak never tests again. What I can do is to trigger
manually deleting a log directory. If there is demand, I can modify it
to test every new commit.

I know Eric is working on much more robust solution (Hudson instance on
an OpenShift integrated with github.com more tightly), but until we get
there and if you have no objections, I will keep it running.

And yeah, those citations when test succeeds are fortune output. Take
them as a reward when your patch is clean. :-)

ps - if anything bad happens (like never ending flood, omg), ssh to ozzak
and shut the instance down, then blame me (in this order :-)


 Lukas "lzap" Zapletal
 #katello #systemengine

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