[katello-devel] moving to ruby 1.9.3

Lukas Zapletal lzap at redhat.com
Fri Oct 19 08:09:07 UTC 2012

> I'll suggest, if you make a pull request for katello in github, that
> you have resolved gem packaging/build before submitting a patch/code
> that requires a new gem. In other words - hack away as you want, but
> once you want it formally in Katello - clean it up and make it
> easily consumable for all, wanting to install Katello from nightly
> rpm based yum repos. If a pull request requires a new(er) gem, then
> it should be rejected until that gem is packaged and available via
> rpm in one of the usual repos for katello.

This is *EXACTLY* I wanted to write today.

What Dmitri recommends is okay for me, as long as we define what
DEVELOPMENT means. For me, the border line is a git pull request. Once
you make it, you need to have an RPM package, working installation,
basic sanity tests working.

Cliff wrote it right, there's a nice English word for it: HACKING.

I need to write right here, right now, that this is **VERY** important
for me. Some folks were working so hard to get our nightly running,
making all the packages, improving build process and this kind of
things. Crossing the line would be step back I am not willing to accept.
Having working RPM-based installation is nothing that is blocking
something in development, or somewhere else.

Therefore let's use rubygems for development, let's use rubygems.org and
do what we need to do to make it easier to develop. We are actully doing
this already, except we have our own repo not to change gem versions too
often. But the work is still considered done, when RPMs are there,
installation is tested and all developers and community can check the
new feature the very next day reporting bugs, giving us feedback.

Splitting our development into phases like hacking and packaging is not
what we want to do. I want nightly, every single day. Packaging is
sometimes hard task, sometimes there are dependency issues or license
issues. Not doing it continuously would be suicide, having all the bugs
reported in the packaging phase (perhaps at the end of
week/sprint/release sprint).



 Lukas "lzap" Zapletal
 #katello #systemengine

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