[katello-devel] [stahnma at puppetlabs.com: Fixing Puppet in Fedora/EPEL]

Ohad Levy ohadlevy at redhat.com
Tue Oct 23 09:30:55 UTC 2012

On 10/23/2012 09:35 AM, Lukas Zapletal wrote:
> My proposal would be the following:
> * Move EPEL 6, Fedora >= 17 to use Puppet 3.0.
I would vote against it, 3.0 is not stable at all, and requires manifest 
code change (as stated) i would wait until 3.0 is stable before pushing 
> * Move EPEL 5 to the latest 2.7.x branch.  This is the last branch of
> Puppet that supports Ruby 1.8.5, and works with 3.0 masters.
+1 for 2.7.x in both EPEL 5,6 fedora might make sense for puppet 3 (but 
has the potinial of crashing as clients needs to be equal or older to 
the master).


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