[katello-devel] Bootstrapping katello

Eric Helms ehelms at redhat.com
Tue Oct 23 16:58:36 UTC 2012

+1 to what Jason said.  If the Ruby/Rails community at large is used to a rake:boostrap task, and we can take our bash script and wrap a rake task around it and achieve both with easy maintainability lets do it.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Jason Rist" <jrist at redhat.com>
To: "Ivan Nečas" <inecas at redhat.com>
Cc: katello-devel at redhat.com
Sent: Tuesday, October 23, 2012 12:44:32 PM
Subject: Re: [katello-devel] Bootstrapping katello

On 10/23/2012 12:15 AM, Ivan Nečas wrote:
> On 10/23/2012 01:08 AM, David Davis wrote:
>> Typically in Rails and Ruby projects, there's a boostrap rake task
>> that'll take care of setting up the project so you can develop it
>> and/or run it. I figured it might be worthwhile to set up something
>> similar for Katello after some recent problems people have been
>> experiencing. Not only will it appeal to Ruby/Rails developers but it
>> might also make it easier for us to setup development instances of
>> Katello. In addition, I think it might be easier to maintain than the
>> wiki page and we could also allow for custom logic in the boostrap
>> task in order to support different ways of setting up katello. To
>> illustrate this last point, you could have some tasks like:
>> rake bootstrap
>> rake bootstrap:pulpv2
>> rake bootstrap:sam
>> (and so forth)
>> Anyway, I've worked on a rough draft (http://fpaste.org/HwRc/). The
>> hope is that in order to setup a new project for development, one
>> would just have to run:
>> git clone --recursive git at github.com:daviddavis/katello.git
>> cd katello/src
>> bundle install
>> rake bootstrap
>> Let me know what you all think. Thanks!
> If you don't insist on the rake task, I thing this does what you had in
> mind https://github.com/Katello/katello/pull/894 . IMO it needs to be
> run before the bundle install (in fact it's good to run bundle install
> from the script, making sure the development dependencies are met. This
> script bases the installation on katello-configure which lets us to have
> the basic installation on one place and have it maintained (since
> katello-configure is tested on daily basis)
> -- Ivan
>> David
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If rake:bootstrap is a common thing, then why don't' we tie it into the
script you wrote? Similar to make configure of old.


Jason E. Rist
Senior Software Engineer
Systems Management and Cloud Enablement
Red Hat, Inc.
Freenode: jrist
github/identi.ca: knowncitizen

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