[katello-devel] Need tools to diagnose performance issues

Dmitri Dolguikh dmitri at redhat.com
Fri Oct 26 10:04:25 UTC 2012

I just used ruby-profiler for figuring out tests performance issues, 
although not the version specified in the Gemfile, but rather 
rdp-ruby-prof. It works. Also see [1] for some helpful advice on 
performance testing of rails.

Let me know if you need help with that.

[1]. http://guides.rubyonrails.org/performance_testing.html

On 25/10/12 07:06 PM, Jeff Weiss wrote:
> Starting this week, I've been seeing terrible performance issues in katello/master.
> My test servers have a few dozen orgs, and deleting just one of them (with little or no content in it) sends a delayed-jobs thin process to 100% CPU for a solid 7 minutes.
> There are also performance issues with sync and manifest upload and possibly every async job - where even with 3 delayed jobs processes, these actions are suddenly taking many times longer than they did last week.
> Mike pointed out https://fedorahosted.org/katello/wiki/Profiling but I don't see how that is very useful since it doesn't seem to tell us which *Katello* classes are the bottleneck.  Maybe it's useful if you're developing Rails itself.  Or maybe it's configurable, I'm not sure.
> However, when Mike tried it, it coredumped.
> We're going to need some kind of story for profiling.  Otherwise performance issues are going to accumulate without any efficient means to diagnose and fix them.
> -Jeff
> --
> Jeff Weiss
> Principal Quality Assurance Engineer
> jweiss at redhat.com
> (919)886-6533
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