[katello-devel] Design of SSO

Dmitri Dolguikh dmitri at redhat.com
Mon Mar 4 14:19:42 UTC 2013

Why not use real OpenID server/protocol for user authentication?

RP side:
  - displays user identity dialog (and performs html-based OP discovery, 
see [2])
   - when using our SSO we can use pre-configured user id prefix 
(http://redhat.com/sso/user in Marek'e example)
  - creates and handles the cookie (that stores user identity)

OP side:
  - performs authentication. Automatically assumes that user trusts 
Katello and Foreman (requires some amount of modification on the 
provider side).

This would give us better control over the cookie (OpenID provider is 
not involved). We also would be using a mostly normal OpenID provider. 
The somewhat inconvenient bit is in userid and password being entered on 
separate screens.


[2] http://openid.net/specs/openid-authentication-2_0.html#html_disco

On 01/03/13 01:55 PM, Marek Hulan wrote:
> Hi all
> As a part of US I work on this iteration I created a design wiki page [1] for
> SSO discussed recently. Please take a look and ping me if you have any
> comments or questions.
> [1] https://fedorahosted.org/katello/wiki/SingleSignOn

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