[katello-devel] API v2 - proposed changes in routes

Eric D Helms ericdhelms at gmail.com
Tue Mar 5 14:46:50 UTC 2013

On Tue, Mar 5, 2013 at 9:31 AM, Dmitri Dolguikh <dmitri at redhat.com> wrote:

> On 05/03/13 01:29 PM, Eric D Helms wrote:
>> On #2, if one of our core operating principles is that nearly everything
>> is scoped based on an organization, why would we want to abstract that away
>> and not make it explicit as part of resource look-up?  Given that a design
>> goal of RESTful APIs is to be predictable, I would think the form that
>> includes organization at the trunk of the route is more predictable and
>> mimics how resources are structured.
>> On changes to JSON format, I would like to make the request that there be
>> thought put into API "paging".  I am starting to work on using the API for
>> some UI components and adding our Elasticsearch infrastructure to these API
>> calls.  This typically involves requesting a chunk of resources (say 25 for
>> example) and then requesting the next 25 as the user demands them.  As
>> well, being able to look at the returned data to know the total number of
>> records even though I am only getting say 26-50 with that particular call.
> Hmm, wouldn't paging be better expressed as a url parameter (it is in
> essence a filter after all):
>  /organizations/?from=10&to=20
> Total number of records in the collection would come in json though.

It would still be expressed as URL parameters but the collection object
should also contain this.  Consider you are working with just the
collection, you want to know what chunk you are dealing with without having
to parse out the URL.  This is a common pattern from my experience as well,
e.g.  Possibly even including what generated this particular chunk.  But at
a minimum:

    total: 365,
    offset: 25,
    limit: 25

    items : [{


> -d
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