[katello-devel] Rspec and/or mini-test?

Jordan OMara jomara at redhat.com
Fri Mar 8 15:36:53 UTC 2013

On 08/03/13 16:35 +0100, Lukas Zapletal wrote:
>On Fri, Mar 08, 2013 at 03:29:49PM +0000, Dmitri Dolguikh wrote:
>> We found ourselves in a situation where we use two rather different
>> testing frameworks: rspec and mini-test. Should we migrate to
>> mini-test only? How should we do it? One approach could be not
>> adding any new tests into rspec, and migrate existing rspec tests
>> one-by-one into mini-test.
>2000 rspec examples
>Do we want to do that?
>I never liked rspec, but I would maybe stick with it and we could only
>write new tests in mini-test which is much more easier to learn for

I support an rspec moratorium rather than trying to do a full
conversion. Would be a monumental effort
Jordan O'Mara <jomara at redhat.com>
Red Hat Engineering, Raleigh 
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