[katello-devel] Rspec and/or mini-test?

Brad Buckingham bbuckingham at redhat.com
Fri Mar 8 15:44:42 UTC 2013

On 03/08/2013 10:29 AM, Dmitri Dolguikh wrote:
> We found ourselves in a situation where we use two rather different 
> testing frameworks: rspec and mini-test. Should we migrate to 
> mini-test only? How should we do it? One approach could be not adding 
> any new tests into rspec, and migrate existing rspec tests one-by-one 
> into mini-test.
> Should we decide to stay with both, I think making factory_girl 
> factories accessible under both suites would be important, as well as 
> updating rspec tests to use the factories...
> Thoughts/opinions?
> -d
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I'd be Ok with recommending that new tests be written in minitest vs 
rspec, if the team prefers it.  It is nice to give devs a choice, but 
over time it seems like it would only become more confusing and worse to 
manage and maintain if we continue adding in both.  So, I'd recommend 
new tests in minitest.  That said, in rspec there is a test pattern in 
place for handling the rbac tests.  We need to have something similar in 
minitest; otherwise, those tests will either get missed or need to 
continue to be written in rspec.

As for all of the existing rspec tests, my 2cents is,
- if a test requires updates (e.g. as app changes), it could be removed 
from rspec and added to minitest
- if a developer wants to 'on the side' rewrite tests in minitest, 
that's ok, but I wouldn't make that a focus given we have a lot of 
features that should get priority


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