[katello-devel] Rspec and/or mini-test?

Marek Hulan mhulan at redhat.com
Fri Mar 8 16:50:02 UTC 2013

On Friday 08 of March 2013 16:35:44 Lukas Zapletal wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 08, 2013 at 03:29:49PM +0000, Dmitri Dolguikh wrote:
> > We found ourselves in a situation where we use two rather different
> > testing frameworks: rspec and mini-test. Should we migrate to
> > mini-test only? How should we do it? One approach could be not
> > adding any new tests into rspec, and migrate existing rspec tests
> > one-by-one into mini-test.
> 2000 rspec examples
> Do we want to do that?
> I never liked rspec, but I would maybe stick with it and we could only
> write new tests in mini-test which is much more easier to learn for
> newcomers.
You can write minitest in syntax very similar to rspec. So converting existing 
tests does not necessarily mean to rewrite everything from scratch. But it's 
probably a lot of work anyway.

But even if we start using minitest there is other decision to make. Should we 
use spec-like syntaxt or testunit-like syntax? Because of test helpers sharing 
I think choosing one style would be helpful.

Personally I'd prefer spec-like syntax since it's more readable for me (unless 
stack level of blocks is too deep :-)


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