[katello-devel] Design of SSO - screencast

Ohad Levy ohadlevy at redhat.com
Mon Mar 11 12:57:49 UTC 2013

----- Original Message -----
| On Monday 11 of March 2013 08:31:27 Ohad Levy wrote:
| > | > My main concern is that this would not be a drop in replacement
| > | > for
| > | > current
| > | > foreman users, and we would need to maintain multiple SSO
| > | > backends
| > | > (e.g.
| > | > what foreman currently has with Apache) or plain authentication
| > | > (
| > | > e.g. it
| > | > wont answer get user details ).
| > | 
| > | I'm not sure whether I get it right but this SSO application was
| > | not
| > | meant to
| > | be any replacement. Users would not be forced to use it at all.
| > | It
| > | should
| > | allow users only one thing that it's named after - they just sign
| > | in
| > | once and
| > | they can use other systems immediately. The only thing that's
| > | needed
| > | from
| > | Foreman point of view is adding support for custom OpenID
| > | provider.
| > | 
| > | It's 39 LOC including whitelines and comments. The biggest
| > | benefit
| > | would be
| > | that Katello and Foreman (and maybe other systems) would not have
| > | to
| > | implement
| > | various authentication methods separately. It means having
| > | kerberos,
| > | LDAP and
| > | e.g. OpenID authentication on one place and reused by all
| > | applications. Hence
| > | you could remove some SSO backends you may already have in
| > | Foreman.
| > | 
| > | Does it make sense? What should this SSO solution fulfill to meet
| > | Foreman
| > | requirements?
| > 
| > The issue here, is that you would need to configure ldap twice,
| > once for SSO
| > app to authenticate, and the other time for foreman to query
| > user/group
| > information.
| > 
| > this means you store the pw twice, and also means that i cant get
| > rid of the
| > ldap related code in foreman.
| Why this can't be the same LDAP instance? It would only make sense to
| have one
| DB of users. You are right, LDAP code would have to stay in Foreman
| to gather
| information about users. Unless we implement some REST API in SSO to
| provide
| user information however this is something I'd like to avoid. It
| would result
| in adding another layer that would just translate data.

my point is, that if you need an account to authenticate to ldap (e.g. plain users might not have bind rights, or search rights etc), you would need to store that account password twice.

| > PS. if you tend to send this mail to the public (and get feedback
| > from
| > foreman community), please use the foreman developers mailing list
| > hosted
| > at google lists.
| > 
| > Ohad
| --
| Marek

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