[katello-devel] Fixing Travis

Petr Chalupa pchalupa at redhat.com
Wed Mar 13 08:00:05 UTC 2013

On 13.03.13 8:11, Ivan Necas wrote:
> ----- Original Message -----
>> Over the weekend our tests in TravisCI started failing. The reason
>> was because the tools rubygems and bundler were updated to 2.0 and
>> 1.3 respectively. The first issue was that ZenTest 4.8.x requires
>> rubygems ~> 1.8. I'm working on maybe removing it or if people are
>> using it, upgrading it to 4.9.

+1 for removing zentest (and autotest-rails which depends on zentest), I 
did not find it in any script, I think it can be removed safely. If 
needed a developer can use bundler.d/local.rb.

>> The other issue (and here's where I need feedback) is that
>> parallel_tests don't work with bundler 1.3 [1] and unfortunately,
>> each Travis box comes preinstalled with rvm, rubygems, and bundler
>> (and it's not possible to specify versions for these tools in the
>> Travis config). Thus, we have two options: either temporarily
>> disable parallel_tests in Travis [2] or try to manually remove
>> rubygems/bundler and then install the versions we need [3].
> Depends on how hard it is to remove reubygems/bundler and install our preferred
> version. If it's hard and requires solid amount of hacking, I'm voting for turning
> parallel_tests off and perhaps help the upstream with the fix.

+1 for switching off temporarily, we need Travis working, there are 
pull-requests waiting.

> -- Ivan
>> Please let me know which solution you'd prefer.
>> Thanks.
>> [1] https://github.com/grosser/parallel_tests/issues/185
>> [2] https://github.com/Katello/katello/pull/1740
>> [3] https://github.com/Katello/katello/pull/1739
>> David
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