[katello-devel] Navigation, Organization Switcher, and Utilities Design Enhancements

Kyle Baker kybaker at redhat.com
Fri Mar 15 21:36:09 UTC 2013

----- Original Message -----
> ----- Original Message -----
> > From: "Kyle Baker" <kybaker at redhat.com>
> > To: "katello-devel" <katello-devel at redhat.com>
> > Sent: Friday, March 15, 2013 3:17:33 PM
> > Subject: [katello-devel] Navigation, Organization Switcher, and
> > Utilities Design Enhancements
> > 
> > The design rational as well as high fidelity mock-ups are available
> > on the Katello wiki -
> > https://fedorahosted.org/katello/wiki/Navigation%20Enhancements
> > 
> > Kyle Baker
> *bleep*ing awesome! So glad we have a UX team (and UI coding
> magicians)!


> One thing I mentioned to Eric yesterday was that perhaps we use a
> menu style like the customer portal? (See attachment) I like the
> idea of being able to perhaps jump to two different styles of the
> same page (eg. "Systems - Subscription Status" and "Systems -
> Foreman Status").

Yeah you bring up a great point. My original intention when creating the designs was to do very much like what the customer portal has done with respect to the second and third level. When actually doing the mockups the volume of content was really overwhelming - picture double as much content in the menu as the attached picture. The fly-out menus made the most sense for accommodating the volume and making the tool not feel as complex as it is. I think in the future it would be great to do some sort of a hybrid, enhancing the menus to include some of those options maybe even include some user customization with icons and such. I would like to treat this as a separate design exercise as it has the potential to be powerful enough to deserve its own cycle. This will occur sooner rather than later as Foreman utilizes a similar idea using filters as navigation. This will prove to be a big gap in consistency between the two applications.


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