[katello-devel] Batch Jobs?

Eric D Helms ericdhelms at gmail.com
Tue Mar 26 18:30:37 UTC 2013

On Tue, Mar 26, 2013 at 1:02 PM, Bryan Kearney <bkearney at redhat.com> wrote:

> On 03/26/2013 12:23 PM, Mike McCune wrote:
>> On 03/26/2013 07:44 AM, Tom McKay wrote:
>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>> From: "Cliff Perry"<cperry at redhat.com>
>>>> To: "Bryan Kearney"<bkearney at redhat.com>
>>>> Cc: "katello-devel"<katello-devel@**redhat.com<katello-devel at redhat.com>
>>>> >
>>>> Sent: Tuesday, March 26, 2013 10:40:49 AM
>>>> Subject: Re: [katello-devel] Batch Jobs?
>>>> On 26/03/13 11:11, Bryan Kearney wrote:
>>>>> What is the current thinking around batch jobs? Is this cron which
>>>>> calls
>>>>> into a REST call, or build a built in scheduling engine?
>>>> not using the OS cron daemon should be solution, IMHO. Something like
>>>> quartz.
>>>>    - Just because it makes the app more portable vs tied to the OS and
>>>> potentially being broken future Fedora's, such as if they
>>>> dramatically
>>>> change cron for say systemd - or some such. :)
>>>> Cliff
>>>>> Examples I can think of include:
>>>>> * manifest update
>>>>> * duplicate checking
>>>>> * orphan checking
>>>>> * syncing
>>>>> -- bk
>>> How are repo sync plans done now?
>> Pulp has a tasking/scheduling engine built in and it manages all that.
>> For us, there are various gems we can include in katello-jobs? that can
>> start to handle cron like processing:
>> http://github.com/javan/**whenever <http://github.com/javan/whenever>
>> http://github.com/jmettraux/**rufus-scheduler<http://github.com/jmettraux/rufus-scheduler>
>> I'd like to avoid another ruby process running so whatever we do I'd
>> like to stick to our 2 main processes, katello and katello-jobs where
>> katello-jobs has a bit more relevancy to processing scheduled tasks
>> (even if right now all it does is async work).
> Ok.. perhaps as eric said something to put on the backlog.

Added with a reference to this discussion.

> --b k
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