[katello-devel] Fedora 18 state

Eric D Helms ericdhelms at gmail.com
Wed Mar 27 19:48:03 UTC 2013

Quick Update on the State of Fedora 18:

As of this afternoons nightly, I was able to install our Fedora 18 nightly
repositories and get a running Katello with the following caveats:

- use_foreman: false must be added to the katello.yml.rb tempalte before
- katello-configure did start services after finishing
- katello-configure --user-pass throws no errors but does not appear to
create or load the database
- running katello-configure --reset-data=yes gets everything working

- Eric

On Wed, Feb 27, 2013 at 6:20 PM, Eric D Helms <ericdhelms at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Thu, Feb 21, 2013 at 2:43 PM, Eric D Helms <ericdhelms at gmail.com>wrote:
>> After Justin pointed out that there was a Pulp F18 build in our Koji at
>> least, I decided to try an install myself this afternoon.  The issue I ran
>> into was with Apache and after some digging encountered the following:
>> Error:
>> [Tue Feb 19 11:50:57.055123 2013] [ssl:info] [pid 3305] AH01914:
>> Configuring server dhcp129-45.rdu.redhat.com:443 for SSL protocol
>> [Tue Feb 19 11:50:57.055565 2013] [ssl:warn] [pid 3305] AH01906: RSA
>> server certificate is a CA certificate (BasicConstraints: CA == TRUE !?)
>> [Tue Feb 19 11:50:58.002066 2013] [proxy_balancer:emerg] [pid 3305]
>> (22)Invalid argument: AH01186: worker slotmem_grab failed
>> After some further searching, this appears to be related to this bug:
>> https://issues.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=52402
>> Update:
> I manually installed the updated F18 packages that include Apache 2.4.4
> from their Koji directly just to test and that indeed fixes that particular
> issue.  The next two issues I saw were:
> - Foreman Errors due to Rails 3.2 (known)
> - Elasticsearch not being started and thus throwing connection refused
> errors during db seed.  Running 'service elasticsearch restart' showed no
> error messages, but elasticsearch was not running.  /var/run/elasticsearch
> is present.
> - Eric
>>  That bug has a fix, but is not upstream yet and I didn't see an
>> indication of when we might expect it.  There does not appears to be a work
>> around.  (Passenger time?)
>> Eric
>> On Thu, Feb 21, 2013 at 6:08 AM, Lukas Zapletal <lzap at redhat.com> wrote:
>>> > - Eric made our codebase to be Rails 3.0 and 3.2 compatible
>>> > - I am working on getting Katello working on F18
>>> According to my testing, all the dependencies are there and Katello
>>> should start, but installer fails for obvious reasons.
>>> Adding several steps which were missing:
>>> - Help Candlepin guys to build for F18
>>> - Wait for Pulp guys to have a F18 build
>>> - The same for Foreman guys
>>> > - Then I will help Thom to get Headpin rolling
>>> > - Mirek is working on Rails 3.2 SCL stack for RHEL6
>>> > - Then Eric will finish his migration to 3.2
>>> LZ
>>> --
>>> Later,
>>>  Lukas "lzap" Zapletal
>>>  #katello #systemengine
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