[katello-devel] Commit Messages

jesus rodriguez jesusr at redhat.com
Wed May 15 19:30:15 UTC 2013

On 05/14/2013 09:11 AM, Eric D Helms wrote:
> I was reading over our Development Process wiki page, and while there are
> some out of date items that need cleaning up on it, there is one item that
> I wanted to encourage developers to follow. This is a rule of thumb I try
> to follow with regards to commit messages that I think helps when reading
> through the git log, looking through previous changes or when seeing a pull
> request opened up. To quote the page [1]:
> "Commit messages should take the form:
> Component: Short summary with no more than 70 characters
> The next lines of your commit can contain more lines with paragraphs
> separated by a blank line in between each paragraph. These should also be
> wrapped at 74 or so characters. Why do this? Because it displays better
> in git log and on github.
> The component is actual user story being worked on. Keep it same for
> multiple commits. You can also use dash instead of colon, example:
> packagegroups - system test
> packagegroups - unit test for CLI
> packagegroups - unit test
> packagegroups - adding support in CLI
> packagegroups - adding support in backend
> "
> The part of that I think we could benefit more from is the inclusion of the
> component name (just like we do bugzilla and github issue numbers to
> preface bug fixes) as part of commit messages. For example:
> Menu -
> Content View Definition -
> Comps -
> Rel-eng -
> API -
> Systems -
> Ref:
> https://fedorahosted.org/katello/wiki/DevProcess#CommitMessages:DescribeYourChanges

The analogy I've heard was treat it like an email where the first line 
is your Subject followed by a blank line. The rest is your Message.

I'd suggest you come up with short component names i.e. CVD for Content
View Definition otherwise you'll eat up the subject quickly.


jesus m. rodriguez          | jesusr at redhat.com
principal software engineer | irc: zeus
red hat systems management  | 919.754.4413 (w)
rhce # 805008586930012      | 919.623.0080 (c)
|   "Those who cannot remember the past       |
|    are condemned to repeat it."             |
|                        -- George Santayana  |

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