[katello-devel] I'll break nightly

Marek Hulan mhulan at redhat.com
Fri May 31 08:36:44 UTC 2013


hopefully subject attracted your attention :-) Today I plan to merge two pull 
request that require new ldap_fluff gem. Also I plan to build rpm for this new 
ldap_fluff version. Unfortunately building a gem breaks current katello nightly, 
also merging PRs without having recent ldap_fluff rpm breaks it. I'm afraid 
there's no way to do it without short breakage.

I'll try to do it just before koji mashing process at 7:30 EDT. If it goes 
right, it should be broken just for a short moment. If anything goes wrong and 
you'll see exception related to LdapFluff::CONFIG feel free to ask me about 
status on IRC.

FYI, breaking PRs:
* https://github.com/Katello/katello/pull/2396/files
* https://github.com/Katello/katello-installer/pull/27


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