[katello-devel] Important: rebasing engine branch from devel

Brad Buckingham bbuckingham at redhat.com
Wed Nov 20 16:24:04 UTC 2013


As we discussed in our scrum this morning, we plan to rebase the engine 
branch with devel at the end of this week.  After this is completed, 
developers should start working from the katello engine branch and 
generate PRs to it (until that branch goes to master) vs to devel.

To support this, the following is the plan:

1. Developers: if you have a PR that is pending for the katello 'devel' 
branch, please work to get it accepted and merged prior to Friday Nov 
22, 9am EST

2. On Thursday afternoon, Walden is going to do a merge of katello 
'master' to 'devel' to ensure it is up to date.

3. On Friday morning (shortly after 9am), I'll start on the rebase of 
katello 'engine' off of 'devel', work to get tests green and run through 
some manual regression/sanity testing.

Once #3 is completed, I'll reply to this email.



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