Kickstart using USB Flash Drive

Rebecca.R.Hepper at Rebecca.R.Hepper at
Wed Apr 28 19:53:14 UTC 2004

Unfortunately, I need more modules than will fit in the bootdisk.img file.
I didn't try your exact steps, Jason, but I have my own set of instructions
that are quite similar.  If I copy in all the modules I need, I fail in the
last step when moving the initrd.img back to the bootdisk.  Is there a way
to increase whatever limits the size in this step?

|         |           Jason Kohles          |
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  |       Subject:  Re: Kickstart using USB Flash Drive                                                                          |

On Wed, Apr 28, 2004 at 02:27:02PM -0500, Rebecca.R.Hepper at
> I am using RH 9.  If I do a 'dd' to copy the bootdisk.img to my USB flash
> drive, I can kickstart a system successfully.  I want to kickstart
> additional systems that require modules not available in the bootdisk.img
> although they are available in the drvnet.img.  Is there a way to get
> the bootdisk.img and drvnet.img on one USB flash drive so I don't have to
> utilize a separate driver disk?  Or is there a way to increase whatever
> size limit is on the image file so I can add all the modules I need to
> bootdisk.img then copy it to the USB flash drive?
I posted some instructions a while back on how to move drivers from the
drivenet.img into the bootnet.img, they predated RH 9, but the process
hasn't changed that much...

Jason Kohles                         A witty saying proves nothing.
email at                   -- Voltaire (1694 - 1778)

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