web enabling kickstart

Mark Heslep mark at mitre.org
Tue Apr 13 04:16:42 UTC 2004

I've noted several nice efforts on this list to produce ks files from  
dynamically generated web forms such as Brian Long's Kickstart tools 
(http://kickstart-tools.sf.net/ )  and NC State's   web-kickstart  
(http://linux.ncsu.edu/projects/web-kickstart/) to name just two. 
However, rolling your own ks web form effectively creates your own 
personal fork of  ..config-kickstart that must then be maintained and so 
loses the leverage of the  mainstream RH/Fedora tool.  The recent 
addition of  SElinux <--disable> <--enforce> ... switch  and the 
included hardward lists come to mind as details I'd rather not be 
updating on web scripts. 

So Im interested in ways to directly leverage this existing tool as much 
as possible for creating remote ks config files for multiple hosts/ 
users.  We've looked  at  the Java X Server weirdx for instance as a way 
of  giving anyone (including Win32 people) w/ a browser the ability to 
gen a ks file but so far weirdx doesnt work to well with  the python 
based gui  coming from  ..config-kickstart (  weird has poor/no support 
for X extensions like Render).  So any other ideas?   Whats the level of 
effort to mod  the python config tool to throw out html ala SWAT for Samba?


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