Using perl in %pre

James Olin Oden joden at
Thu Apr 29 19:03:12 UTC 2004

On Thu, 29 Apr 2004, Joseph Glass wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> What is the easiest way to use '%pre --interpreter /usr/bin/perl' using
> a RedHat 9 boot CD?
There is no easy way that I know of.  %pre operates from the anaconda
boot image that does not have perl on it (anaconda is written in python).
If you really wanted to do this you would need to rebuild the boot image
with perl in it, and you probably would want to rebuild perl to make 
it smaller (i.e. don't compile with every extension and certainly don't 
put every library in the boot image).  I would love for someone to tell me 
I am wrong, but I do believe that this is the case.

 > Thanks.

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