Problem with .png

Taylor, ForrestX forrestx.taylor at
Thu Aug 26 23:42:57 UTC 2004

On Thu, 2004-08-26 at 16:06, Edgar Chillón 'Chillux' wrote:
> I dont undestand cuz is not a tarball file, is an
> image :
> /mnt/discos/fedora/Fedora/base/stage2.img
> There are the image that I am modify, I copy the image
> that I want to modify to annother source, then I
> modify and the I copy back to the original source but
> I can not !

Ah.  I still think that it will be easier to rebuild anaconda with your
image, and then rerun buildinstall.  buildinstall will create the
stage2.img for you with the images in anaconda.

To recreate the stage2.img, loop-back mount the stage2.img and copy
everything in it (including the .buildstamp) to a new directory (I'll
call it stage2/).  Copy your file to the correct place and rebuild the
mkcramfs stage2 stage2.img

Copy that stage2.img to the original directory and voila!


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