kickstart and dual boot

Eric Dupret eric.dupret at
Fri Aug 27 14:20:09 UTC 2004

sorry for my english !

I have a problem with the partition
on a NFS fedora kickstart installation
it's Ok only with Fedora but i want
to make a dual boot install

/XP for install XP (Fat32)
/Datas for datas XP (Fat32)
in the post-install script
cp ImgXP /xp (an image of XP)
dd if=hdambr of=/dev/hda bs=512 count=1 (the mbr)

it's not good, can you help me ?

Eric Dupret             Service Info UVHC
Bat Pecma
Z.I du champ de l'abbesse 59600 Maubeuge 
Phone 0033
Fax   0033

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