Fully automated Kickstart Errors

Koree A. Smith koreesmith at gmail.com
Sat Aug 14 21:07:01 UTC 2004

I've found plenty of information on this subject regarding the error,
but no workaround for it.  Basically, unless I repartition the drives
other than hda, I get an error saying that the parition information is
inconsistent, and then prompting me to click ignore or cancel.  If I
click "ignore", then the install continues without incident, and
everything is fine.  However, I'm trying to make this install
completely automated.  What I'm looking for is a way to continue past
this error:  1.  Without erasing the data on hdb, hdc, hdd, etc (only
hda), and, without having to press the enter key (as I will not be in
the same physical location as the server).  I have tried "autostep",
but autostep seems to bring me into an interactive install that
doesn't really auto or step through anything.  Any help is greatly

Koree A. Smith
koreesmith at gmail.com

Koree A. Smith
koreesmith at gmail.com

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