isolinux directory and creating an installation Boot cdrom

Hal Wine hal at
Tue Aug 17 16:32:03 UTC 2004

Liz Beresford wrote, around 08/17/2004 09:19 AM:
> Thanks Hal.
> I was looking at Enterprise version 3 documentation.
> I didn't think there would be that much difference but there must be.

Huge difference! If you're just starting, I would recommend RHEL 3 
variants. The upgrade from 2.1 to 3 for custom ISOs is not trivial -- 
avoid it if you can.

> I have now located the ES 2.1 Installation Guide and there is no mention
> of how to make a bootable cdrom from the installation cdrom.     Do you
> confirm that I can only make a bootable floppy and not a bootable cdrom
> from version 2.1?

Nope -- I don't confirm.

You can make a bootable cdrom. However, the technique used in that era 
was to create a floppy image on the cd, and pass that floppy image to 
mkisofs. Basically, that meant you're limited in size to about 2.8MB, 
and may have to play games if you need to add drivers, etc.

Assuming you need to modify the boot image for something like adding 
your own ks.cfg and boot.msg files, you need to do something like:

mount -o loop $temp/cd/dosutils/autoboot/cdboot.img $temp/floppy
cp -f syslinux.cfg boot.msg $temp/floppy
# this is the gziped install runtime filesystem image
gunzip -c $temp/floppy/initrd.img > $temp/floppy.initrd
mount -o loop $temp/floppy.initrd $temp/redhat
# copy in our kickstart file - needs to be in /tmp
cp ks.cfg $temp/redhat/tmp
umount $temp/redhat
gzip -9c $temp/floppy.initrd > $temp/floppy/initrd.img
umount $temp/floppy
# then build with
mkisofs -fJrT\
     -b dosutils/autoboot/cdboot.img\
     -V "your name here"\
     -o $temp/install.iso $temp/cd


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