Did anyone try to use DISPLAY option ?

regatta regatta at gmail.com
Sat Aug 21 07:03:59 UTC 2004

Did anyone able to use the DISPLAY option in kick start ?

I didn't able to use it , I hope if someone can help me


    This command allows remote display forwarding. In this command, IP
should be replaced with the IP address of the system on which you want
the display to appear.

    On the system you want the display to appear on, you must execute
the command xhost +remotehostname, where remotehostname is the name of
the host from which you are running the original display. Using the
command xhost +remotehostname limits access to the remote display
terminal and does not allow access from anyone or any system not
specifically authorized for remote access.

Best Regards,
-*- If Linux doesn't have the solution, you have the wrong problem -*-

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