Updates dir in RHEL 3.0 Update2

Lance Reed lreed at boomerang.com
Tue Aug 24 19:51:39 UTC 2004

Can anyone confirm or deny if the usage of the
Updates directory during an NFS install
(/nfs/path/RedHat/Updates) still works for updating
uncompressed RPMs during a kickstart install?

I have tried it and can not seem to get it to work.

I also tried making a updates.img, and that did not
work either.  RedHat Support said it is no longer a
supported method of upgrading, and that RHN updates
must be used.

I have tried replacing the RPM's in the RPMS dir
with the updates (and using genhdlist), but I still
get an error when some of them install (kernel updates
and rpm database updates).

Thanks in advance for any information.


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