build install errors (most likely from upd-instroot)

Philip Rowlands phr at
Fri Dec 17 23:57:41 UTC 2004

On Fri, 17 Dec 2004, Daniel Spratlen wrote:

>I am currently building custom RHEL ES 3.0 update3 install disks.  I'm
>getting the following errors, which appear to cause the iso's that I've
>generated to fail.  The disks boot fine, but anaconda bombs out after
>it's loaded the kernel modules.  I believe the following errors are
>causing my problems which appear to be coming from the upd-instroot

Looks like the same symptoms as running genhdlist without pkgorder. The
problem is that the postinstall scripts are trying to use files not
yet installed.

>I've spent a good bit of time googling on this.  Any ideas?

If you were trying to pre-patch the latest RPMs into the install tree,
I'd suggest consulting the list archives and asking Google about
genhdlist and pkgorder. But I'm not sure whether that's the goal here?


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