Sourcing the ks.cfg location from %post

Chris Mckenzie Chris.McKenzie at
Tue Dec 7 23:26:32 UTC 2004

Hi guys.
I'm trying to source the ks.cfg programmatically from the ks' %post using
%post scripts copying files need to have source file locations hardcoded. I
wanted to have a ks that at %post would get the original ks= source path
from my isolinux.cfg label.
The files I want to copy are relative to the ks.cfg file, and I'm NFS
running the ks.cfg from isolinux.cfg on an "Install CD".
I was hoping to have my %post script derive the relative location of the
files to grab from the location of the ks.cfg.
For example:
isolinux.cfg label or at the "Install CD" boot prompt:
Then from the ks.cfg %post:
    echo `dirname $0`
I was hoping `dirname $0` would give me the source path of the ks.cfg, but
it pointed to /tmp. (which is where I'll assume the installer copied and
read ks.cfg from)
Hardcoding the same base path 3 times isn't my preference and I can't pass
vars in a ks.
Any ideas?
- Chris
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