kickstart AS3 and LVM

Robinson, Andrew W. Andrew.W.Robinson at
Tue Dec 14 23:19:00 UTC 2004

> From: Kreig DuBose [mailto:kdubose at]
> Hi-
> I'm trying to get kickstart to configure my LVM partitions.  Use of the
> syntax generated from the anaconda install log does not seem to work.
> clearpart --all
> part /boot --fstype "ext3" --onpart sda1
> part swap --onpart sda2
> part pv.3 --onpart sda3
> volgroup SYS_VG pv.3
> logvol / --fstype ext3 --name=lv_root --vgname=SYS_VG --size=4096
> logvol /var --fstype ext3 --name=lv_var --vgname=SYS_VG --size=4096
> logvol /home --fstype ext3 --name=lv_home --vgname=SYS_VG --size=3836
> logvol /usr/local --fstype ext3 --name=lv_usrlocal --vgname=SYS_VG
> --size=16384
> logvol /usr --fstype ext3 --name=lv_usr --vgname=SYS_VG --size=4096

This is not a reply with a solution and I apologize for that. I recently ran
into a similar problem and never got it solved. To use LVM, I had to wipe my
disk clean and start from scratch. When I posted my problem, Chris Rouch
suggested the "--use-existing" option on the logvol lines. That still did
not work for me. 

Sorry not to be helpful,

Andrew Robinson

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