more newbie questions

Paul Pianta pantz at
Fri Jul 2 19:46:00 UTC 2004

jason.ctr.alburger at wrote:

>I have placed some files in the toplevel directory of my kickstart cd.  I
>want to copy these files to the /home directory during the kickstart
>installation.  I've been attempting to do this in the %post section of the
>ks.cfg file, but cannot figure out the file path to the toplevel directory
>on the cd.
>ie, I have test.txt on the toplevel directory of the CD.  I want the
>post-install script to put this into /home.
>How can I do this?
this is what someone else on this list recommended to me a while back ...


# make mounting cd easier

# mount cdrom
mount /mnt/cdrom

#copy files across
cp /mnt/cdrom/test.txt /home

# unmount cdrom
umount /mnt/cdrom

Hope that helps


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