post installation script question

Philip Rowlands phr at
Fri Jul 2 15:34:16 UTC 2004

On Fri, 2 Jul 2004 jason.ctr.alburger at wrote:

>RH 7.2

Hoo-ray! (apologies to T. Herman Zweibel)

>Is it possible to run a script that requests user inputs during the
>post installation script phase of a kickstart installation?

Yes, but why not do it in the %pre? Then the human installer could
toddle off straight away.

>I'm trying to set some network configurations based on user inputs with
>a script at the bottom of the ks.cfg file in the "%post" section, but I
>never even see the "echo" statements that are in the %post section.

You could "chvt 2" (a scripted Alt+F2) and launch a script from there,
then "chvt 1" back at the end.

Perhaps openvt will do everything you require in one go; I've not used
it, but it appears to fit the bill.


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