Issue with Aquiring DHCP

Joe Robertson jrobertson at
Mon Jun 7 21:34:34 UTC 2004

> From: Jeremy Silver [mailto:jeremy at] 
> Which version of Red Hat are you using?  I have been 
> kickstarting RH8 systems using e1000 from an RH9 server since 
> last year without going near anaconda code.  Maybe it's the 
> network I am using, there is just a Netgear hub between my 
> kickstart/dhcp/tftp server and the servers I am building.


I'm using Fedora Core 2.  I have also tried most versions
of Redhat from 8.0 up to and including RHAS-3.0 Update 2.
None of the versions would run kickstart unless I connected
to a specific switch configuration.

for the beginning of quite a long thread on this topic.

If you are using a 100 MB switch or hub that is not managed,
chances are you don't see this problem.  However, the minute
I connect the GB nic to a managed switch - or apparently any
GB switch, I could not run kickstart.

You are connected to the Netgear hub which is probably the
reason you don't have a problem.  I connected to a Netgear
100 MB switch and everything was OK.  When I connected to
a Netgear GB switch, I couldn't kickstart.

By the way... the solution I used is based on a previously
submitted patch to Bugzilla which was obviously never
included in the code for Fedora or AS.

I removed the logMessage statements included in the patch
since they broke the build/package process in Fedora Core 2
and I haven't yet tried to determine why.



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