RH9 Upgrade: Automate Swap File Creation in ks.cfg?

Scott Dudley scott at telesoft.com
Tue Jun 8 16:17:08 UTC 2004

I've created a kickstart FTP config that I'm using to perform remote, 
unattended upgrades of some of my >= 6.1 systems to 9.  Has worked 
flawlessly except on those systems for which their was insufficient swap 
space allocated.  Anaconda pops up with the nice little UI prompting for 
swap file creation.  If one responds affirmatively, the upgrade 
continues and completes successfully.  How can I automate the check of 
this swap file creation?  Is there a "standard" way of doing so?

I was just toying with the following idea.  To be added to the %pre stanza:

# get size of ram and swap

mem=$(grep ^MemTotal: /proc/meminfo | awk '{print $2}')
swap=$(grep ^SwapTotal: /proc/meminfo | awk '{print $2}')

# create additional swap file, if required

[ $swap -lt $check ] && {


    disk=$(df -t ext2 -t ext3 | sort -k 4n,5 | tail -1)
    part=$(echo $disk | awk '{print $6}')
    avail=$(echo $disk | awk '{print $4}')

    echo "Creating swap file ${part}/swapfile of size $size"

    # insufficient disk space on partition with most space to create 
swap file of required size

    [ $avail -lt $size ] && {

        echo "Insufficient free space ($avail) on $part to create swap 
file of size $size"
        exit 1

    dd if=/dev/zero of=${part}/swapfile bs=1024 count=$size

    chmod 600 ${part}/swapfile

    mkswap ${part}/swapfile

    # find /etc/fstab and add swap file to same - where mounted for install?



Scott Dudley

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