syslinux command line?

Philip Rowlands phr at
Fri Mar 12 16:34:12 UTC 2004

On Fri, 12 Mar 2004, Cameron, Thomas wrote:

>Not sure if this answers your question, as I am not sure if there would
>be a different version of anaconda on the install diskette, but here is
>what I found:

Not quite - try installing those packages (at least anaconda) and
looking at /usr/share/doc/anaconda-xxx/command-line.txt (where xxx is
the version). On RHEL3 (anaconda-9.1-8.RHEL) I see:

ip=<ip>         IP to use for a network installation, use 'dhcp' for DHCP.

netmask=<nm>    Netmask to use for a network installation.

gateway=<gw>    Gateway to use for a network installation.

dns=<dns>       Comma separated list of nameservers to use for a network

If you don't have those documented in the RHEL2.1 version, the arguments
won't work. Not having used RHEL2.1, or having a copy lying around, I
can't easily check.


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