Issue with %include on AW2.1

Michael Blandford mlblandf at
Wed May 19 18:26:17 UTC 2004

Paul Pianta wrote:

> This seems to be ok - it is the same as what I do (except the 'zerombr 
> yes' bit).
> And if the 'clearpart --all' option is working - you shouldn't ever 
> see a complaint about the /usr partition being too small - UNLESS - 
> your %pre python script is not creating the /usr partition with the 
> right size.

The script is pretty big so I am not going to post it, however, I can 
post what the output looks like.
Here is an example of /tmp/partition on a machine that fails.

# Disk: sda 70001 megs
# Ram: 4034 megs
# Arch: ia64
part / --size 300 --maxsize 375 --grow
part /boot/efi --size 100 --fstype vfat --asprimary
part /scratch --size 400 --grow
part /tmp --size 512 --maxsize 1024 --grow
part /usr --size 2400 --maxsize 2550 --grow
part /var --size 512

# Swap requested:  8068
part swap --size 8068 --ondisk sda

/usr is more than big enough for the disto I am putting on.

> Maybe paste your python %pre script here so we can have a look at it - 
> my guess would be that there is something funny going on there ...

If I run it again ( by rebooting ) it all works fine the second time.  
That is what is bizaar.


Disclaimer: The content of this message is my personal opinion only and 
although I am an employee of Intel, the statements I make here in no way 
represent Intel's position on the issue, nor am I authorized to speak on 
behalf of Intel on this matter.

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