post-inst questions...

Raphaël 'SurcouF' Bordet surcouf at
Mon Oct 25 16:13:21 UTC 2004


	A last question for today:
I've wrote many command to section %post like this:

wget http://www.<domain>.<tld>/fichier.tar.bz2 -O /tmp/fichier.tar.bz2
tar jxf /tmp/fichier.tar.bz2 -C /
wget http://www.<domain>.<tld>/sshd_config -O /etc/ssh/sshd_config
wget http://www.<domain>.<tld>/banner.txt -O /etc/ssh/banner.txt

If the first wget work, the twice was follow doesn't...
I was trying to write this:
wget http://www.<domain>.<tld>/sshd_config -O /tmp/sshd_config
wget http://www.<domain>.<tld>/banner.txt -O /etc/ssh/banner.txt
mv -f /tmp/sshd_config /tmp/banner.txt /etc/ssh/

But It doesn't work too... why ?
I can't see any get on my apache logs...


Raphaël 'SurcouF' Bordet

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