Partial User Intervention

Hal Wine hal at
Wed Sep 22 19:43:57 UTC 2004

Jason L Tibbitts III wrote, around 09/22/2004 12:22 PM:
>>>>>>"SM" == Shyam Mani <fox2mike at> writes:
> SM> How would I go about doing this for both RH9 & FC2?
> I just leave out any mention of partitioning in the kickstart file and
> Anaconda prompts me for it while doing everything else automatically.
> It's worked for me since 7.something.  I haven't tried doing the same
> with network settings.

This does not work, in my experience, for text mode installations.

If you need to do it for text mode, you have to go the script route. I 
write files to /tmp that are referenced via %include in the ks.cfg file.


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